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Semi On

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-Talbot- | 15:54 Sat 07th Jul 2018 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
How excite are you over England's progress?


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I'm so excited that my sporran appears to be haunted.
16:55 Sun 08th Jul 2018
Quarter Finals Day Prayer

Our Gareth, who art in Samara,
Hallowed be they waistcoat,
Thy moment's come,
Thy match will be won,
In normal, not extra time,
Give us this day our 2-1 win,
And forgive us for doubting your tactics,
As we forgive those that dive against us,
Lead us not into penalty shootouts,
But deliver us from Sweden,
For thine is the semi's,
The Final and the Glory,
For ever and ever.

It's Coming Home!!!!
I wish Sweden had won today as I'm more than fed up with being assaulted by world cup paraphenalia every time I step out of the house - even into Waitrose!
// I’m surprised at your use of the word hysteria canary//

when gurlz get it - it must hersteria, surely

and for the gender non spec or dont knows
Gosh you're so grumpy, Diddly.
I'm very excited, and I don't even like football.
I'm pleased they won and hope they get the can hope even though I'm not really 'into' footie!
Waitrose, Diddlydo?.....Waitrose?.....and I had you down for an Asda jimjam shopper.... ;-)....x
But to answer the OP which I should.....delighted for prayers and candle lighting are working..... :-)
I'm so excited that my sporran appears to be haunted.
No one commenting on Sharons clever poetry?
Clever Sharon!
I'm not totally sure it's Sharon's , however it is very good.

Ta Sharon.
Your Answer...Sharon? ;0)
How excited am I?

Well let's just say that I found the perfect pub to spend yesterday afternoon in ;-)
//Suffolk vicar Andrew Dotchin joked that he had just been given a sneak preview of the liturgy for Evening Prayer at the Synod.

His alternative Lord’s Prayer began: “Our Gareth, who art in Samara. Hallowed by thy waistcoat. Thy moment’s come, they match will be won, in normal, not in extra time.”

It continued: //

I read it there last night, but they may have nicked it.

Still good.
I was out yesterday afternoon but I don't like football so wouldn't have watched it anyway. Nevertheless I found myself checking the score here and there on my mobile. Well done them!!
Your Answer...Ah, thanks mamya, good read anyway.
pleased for them..watched it in a pub in Bannockburn ! lots of Swedish support !! ;0)

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