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Bolzano Is A Distant Memory...

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gness | 20:48 Sun 08th Jul 2018 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
I had to leave......the heat and noise of that place was too much...lovely though it was....and it was lovely....
So we packed up early and headed for Germany via the wonderful winery we stayed at in eastern France....

It was bliss to arrive here....a fantastic room with a wonderul terrace....trees, pond and a cool breeze...butterflies and humming bird moths....

We were greeted like long lost friends...wined lots and pork pied by the owners and have now returned to our terrace with two lovely German ladies who are entertaining Dave with Bob Marley songs....and banter....haven't a flipping clue what they're saying but they are laughing lots so that's good....

I have no idea what the temperature is but I can breathe at long last....this is bliss... :)


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Fabulous whereabouts are you in Germany? x
Blimey, Gness, you get about a bit.

Watch those German women! One minute it’s ‘Bob Marley songs and the next it’s talk of disciplin and leather outfits.

No packages in ‘recesses’ there, hopefully.
"two lovely German ......"

I was hoping that the next word was Shepherds. But it was just pesky humans.
Enjoy the rest of your trip.
Question Author
Heading for The Black Forest, Kval.....where it should be cool...x

Zacs, after the alarm and the gunshot and the police arriving to saunter by the recess I decided to leave......x

We will, Wolf...though the two German ladies are very interesting....and fun..x
We have a house near Lehesten Gness, absolutely beautiful place and fantastic people, my step father was from Thuringen :) x
Pork pied, gness.
Are they proper pork pies though ?.
Those German girls can be very entertaining, did I ever tell you about Ibiza 1974. Ingrid was very entertaining.
While we are talking blissful days today we rented a little boat for 8 hours and sailed the south coast of Menorca stopping and snorkelling in turquoise crystal water at lots of secret coves that normally take effing ages to walk to
I added a lot more than that about how hot it is tonight but because I did a smiley emoticon it missed it all off the end....
Enjoy your bliss everyone, liking the sound of secluded coves Prudie.
Gunshots! I must have missed an instalment.
OH keeps nattering about revisiting the Black Forest area- then when I push, he mutters about it being a long way and expensive. I have decided that I must make plans …….
don't mention the football ...
You really are getting about, sounds wonderful
Question Author
The German ladies behaved, did Dave......though he did blush once or twice..... I think I posted on the football thread.....the police parked outside our apartment.....had a slow walk past the recess....we were roused at 4.30 by a strange alarm....followed by a gunshot....perhaps someone shot the neighbour did once...
Better than the best pork pies, Tony.....come on....tell us about Ibiza... ;-) asked what you were looking at so I answered but don't know if I was correct....probably not as you're having a wonderful time it appears.....the boat and snorkling sound amazing...x

Push OH harder, J......this is just beautiful.....more than I had ever imagined....
Ael....roundabouts in Germany are beautifully tended and are so many dedicated to football though.....shame they went out so soon......but it's still a good thing to and pride..... :-)

While we can, I said to you on your thread....we can't waste the time we have can

This apartment is the best equiped we have ever experienced.....but apart from what has been provided it's just relaxing and comfy.....
Our outdoor table and chairs are on the only flat bit of a sloping garden.....but under a plum tree....every time a bird lands on the tree plums shower down....Dave has had two wine with big plum cocktails so far....
The reason for this trip was that I had to go to Davos some time this year so we decided a long drive should include some sight-seeing and make it a holiday...we've seen some lovely places but Germany's topping the list so far.....
If my house sitter or his dad is reading this.....more water on my garden please.....Now!......AuntieG...x

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