I gave up sugar AND carbs (also sugar) for 3 months as an experiment when my levels were approaching diabetic. I went cold turkey and literally lived on cold turkey. And green veg. It was horrible. My hair fell out. I could see my scalp. I know the science says that low carb/keto is good for us, but I hated the food and felt like my body hated me. After the hair episode I went back to carbs but was just a lot more aware of what I was eating, as by then I knew all the carb content of everything. I still don't eat pasta or bread, rarely rice, and only sweets/choc when I have a really bad craving. It was an interesting experiment but as someone who doesn't really like meat or vegetables that much, plus I am not a great cook, it wasn't for me. That said, I need to have another blood test, and if it has got high again, I will have to re-think.