She is on holiday with three youngest. They travelled down to Dover on Wednesday. Horrendous traffic jams twice. They were due a tunnel crossing at 6.00 pm. She had a text to say there was a three hour delay. She thought they might just make it but got there one and a half hours later than that.
Customer services was horrendous everyone shouting and screaming at staff. She approached staff and apologised, said it wasn't their fault and could they help as she was on her own with three children. Lady looked at her, gave her a ticket face down and winked at her. She was given a crossing in one hour, everyone else who were screaming were given next day crossings. So it pays to be polite!
It's the right way, need for rudeness and ignorance. I've always found the folk there really helpful and considerate...
Your daughter got what she deserved and must have been a joy for the staff to deal with....x
She had booked accommodation in Calais, texted owner to say delayed would be there at 1.00, owner said no problem, she would wait outside building. They didn't get there until 1.45, owner still there, she was ok with it all. Had heard about problems at Dover and Folkestone.
We had similar a few weeks ago, Caran. Not because of the horrendous delays due to air con problems last week but a body on the shuttle made us three hours late setting off.
Folk on the other side had kept up to date and sent us a text saying they knew we would be late and not to worry......great service from both sides...x