oan Armatrading and Chris de Burgh. I feel the world closing in on me.
Would love to say that I was Ms Armatrading's window-cleaner. But I wasn't. Did clean some of her neighbours' windows in the same block of flats. Surbiton, "Good Life", next to Norman Lamont's Kingston-onThames - that Surbiton. You'd see her her riding around on her bike occasionally. Love the Heather Small type voice, but, brother, Joan's far uglier in real life than in her photo-shoots.
But apologies for distracring from the theme. As the Beatles have been mentioned here's a song from from a young VE's favoured film (and EP - remember those, oldies?): "Magical Mystery Tour".
The musicality, literary quality and astute social insights make this a minor masterpiece. With Spanish subtitles. And why not?