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Where To Live In A Cooler Climate?

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bainbrig | 18:52 Sun 12th Aug 2018 | ChatterBank
57 Answers
Apparently, this year’s heatwave is a taste of how things are going to be.

Too much for us.

Where (in the UK) can we move to that’s significantly cooler than London, but has many of the same facilities?



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Tallish, bald, badly fitted glasses,
I don't think you'll find anywhere else much like London, but it depends what you're looking for. Lots of theatres and galleries? Trains that mostly work (outside rush hours)? Access to foreign travel?

There are downsides, of course, but heat isn't usually one of them.
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No, all we want are supermarket deliveries, a range of take-aways, and decent internet! Oh, and a decent hospital within a 15 mile radius.

There is no assurance that we are going to have summers like this one every year. I wish there was as I would move back to Devon tomorrow if that was the case but global warming seems to have brought terrible summers to that part of the world. Yes, there will be'plumes' that come from Spain or wherever every now and again but this summer is exceptional. Next year could be much cooler
Wel I intend to wear spats and a trilby, if I'm spared, next summer.

There's cool.
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Well, our only certainty is that we couldn’t physically survive many more! Too old, too far gone...
My Mum moved to London when she was 79 and found life so much easier here. She stayed indoors during the heatwaves but life was so convenient - bus stop round the corner, hospitals not far away, level walks everywhere and not much rain. She lived in N Devon for 52 years but never stopped being a Londoner and was so happy to be back. The grass isn`t always greener.
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Maybe you’re right, 237, and an easier answer would be to buy some airconditioners.

Promise you bainbrig, we have supermarkets and internet everywhere now! and some very good hospitals.

You might find some places would take you from one extreme to the other in terms of culture, for example many of the seaside towns, but any city or large town is worth considering.
God's own country, where else.
I like Yorkshire but it's a bit hilly if you want a really lovely town with access to flatter walking and lovely people Cromer in Norfolk would be a good choice decent shops good transport links and an easy run into Norwich. You will notice I didn't say join me in Birmingham, it's a lovely place to live but if I won the lottery I'd be looking for a place by the sea in an instant.
Gloucestershire is the place to be. It's lovely here.
Go for a Georgian spa town like Leamington or Cheltenham.
Where I live in Yorkshire is flat as a pancake for miles around. 25 mins to Leeds by train. 15 min drive into York (outside rush hour of course).
just move North
stop when you reach a temperature you like
'London on Sea' (aka Brighton.)
You get a sea breeze so it feels cooler.
Then if you do want to go to London it's just 35 mins by train.
That's when the trains are behaving, Eddie.

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