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Rockrose | 17:13 Tue 14th Aug 2018 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
A sum of money on my drive this afternoon.
It’s a private drive quiet long ending in T junction.
Do I report it too the police or hold onto it wait and see if anyone comes back and asks for it?


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Was the cash in a birthday card ? :+)
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lol Anne it wasn't hmmmm. A gift from a 'friend' perhaps?
I would keep it for a month and see if anyone asks you about it, and if not I would donate it to my nearest hospital or hospice. They always need extra money.
and it would be put to a good cause
ah rolled up money! maybe someone was doing a drugs deal at the end of your lane? TBH I would keep it a few months then treat yourself. Why give it to charity? charity begins at home.
Careful. You could be being set up- you know what happened to Sally on Corrie after Tim found £1000 in their bank account.
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Well if I'm honest I will probably keep half and give half to charity.
Will leave it 2 weeks and if no one knocks on the door then its gone.
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Don't watch Corrie so don't know what happened.
How could it be a set up?
I would keep it and if anyone asked about it I would say I haven't found owt.
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When rates were at 1% per month back in the early 80s here in the Uk and various European countries, my Belgian boss looked at his monthly statement to find he had had $25 million equivalent put on his account. He reported it and it was nigh on a month when they had sorted it out - he got to keep the interest....lucky barsteward, Banque Bruxelles Lambert being the ones who had mucked up. Lucky other than tax payable on this windfall....yes.
sorry, it was 45 million.....

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