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hard drive

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jimmin | 23:39 Sun 31st Mar 2002 | Technology
2 Answers
I have just installed a 40gig hard drive as slave to my 8gig, what is best way to make 40gig the master and transfer windows 98? I have cd rw also


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Don't. Move any data from your 8Gb drive to your 40Gb drive that you can, just to free up some space and install all new programs onto your new drive, and use it to store data from now on. Use a utility like Norton Ghost or Powerquest Drive Image to make an image of your 8Gb drive and store the image on your new drive, and burn it onto CD if it will fit. Drive Image is probably better as it allows compression of upto 50%. The reason being that if you use the 40Gb drive as your boot drive, what are you going to do if it fails? I have a 2GB boot drive and a large drive for everything else.
well i would counter that argument - the smaller hard drive will probably be much slower than the 40gb hard drive, and so using the larger hard drive will result in a boost in performance - in my case, i made my new 40gb hard drive the master in the place of the 4gb and my win2000 load up time dropped from 3 minutes to 1 minute, with noticable improvements in other areas

sorry i can't really answer your question jimmin, im not too hot on '98 to be honest

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