Is this the same place where I read that the postman wouldn't deliver because he was afraid of the chickens? It's not exactly a major problem as most should be easy enough to round up and either a)eat or b)home to become useful egg-producers. We have the same problem in a small way because someone dumped (or we think they were dumped)some unwanted chickens (including a cockerel) in the village and they have taken up residence in the churchyard, surprised a fox hasn't got them really, probably will when food is short in Winter.
I admit that they are beginning to be a nuisance, scratting at gravel on graves etc., so we'll have to do something about them soon. Not a problem on the scale of the 41 Canada geese which have invaded the village pond and made the green unusable by their copious, virus-carrying pooh. (They also use our cars for target practice on their fly-past.) I am planning on asking the Keeper of the Green to organise a cull when he gets back from holiday.