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What City Or Town In The World Would You Find

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micklemouse | 11:31 Thu 23rd Aug 2018 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
1 does Kaunda Road run between Church road and Haile Selassie Road
2 does Avondale Road run between St Brede’s Road and Richmond Road


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There is a Kaunda Road and a Haile Selassie Road in Gabarone (Botswana) but you will need to check a map to confirm
1 Arusha, Tanzania.
^^ not correct - all three roads exist in Gaborone but the description doesn't tally
....^ Kanisa Road (Church in Swahili)
^^ clarifying that Gaborone is not correct. Jo's answer was not there when I typed
St brede’s road Richmond road Avondale road

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What City Or Town In The World Would You Find

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