We've got a 2 year old Yorkshire Terrier who has a very loud bark when somebody rings the door bell or someone makes a phone call !
Can anyone suggest a harmless device that is available to deter him from making such a loud noise !!
Obviously we don't want to cause him any damage, we just want to deter him a little
Any suggestions ??
You will never stop a Yorkie barking, I have had them for years, they are terriers, it is natural for them to bark. I would never dream of getting any device to deter my Yorkies, just tell him to stop or put him in another room.
I've been away for a few days
Thank you for all the advice ! - I certainly won't use any of the devices - we'll try and get him to bark less by finding a word or phrase that will stop him !!
Maybe wishful thinking but you never know !!
Alan have a look at this Victoria Stilwell video and see if anything on there helps. If not, look on YouTube for a more relevant VS video. She's very good.