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Bridgnorth Quiz. Cd. 10/9/18

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Maisie Doats | 19:04 Fri 24th Aug 2018 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers
Could anyone help with these please ?
1. In which city or town does Avondale Road run between St. Brede’s Road and Richmond Road? ( not necessarily in U.K.)( it might mean St. Bride’s Road ?)
2. Who kills himself and all the children?
3. Who was asked about for his cricket ?
4. What happened because the king was well-attired ? (I can’t seem to tie this in with the King’s New Clothes !)


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2 Jude Fawley? (Jude the Obscure - Hardy)
2. Joseph Goebbels?
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Thanks calibax and Flonska - I’ll check these out.
4 cant do the link but look at moore e: cricket lovely cricket ......a calypso
Is there a theme?
^^ Flonska's answer of JG is better. I think Jude only killed two but 'all' suggests more.
Question Author
Do you mean between all the questions Calibax ? No theme. They are just the last questions from various themes.
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Calibax. Thank you for Raffles. Much appreciated.

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Bridgnorth Quiz. Cd. 10/9/18

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