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15D Dt.

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Khinjan | 09:35 Fri 31st Aug 2018 | Crosswords
17 Answers
Hello all.

Flummoxed by 15D Maybe having bags to reuse- - otherwise not green! (9)

I have T?O???R?D Surely itcannot be "Trousered"!


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Thought it might be anagram of TO REUSE and RD but that has an E too many. What's the definition part of clue please- is it "having bags"= wearing trousers?(oxford bags)
bags are trousers,
FF- yes. I think setter has slipped up as you say another'e' is needed.
Thought so- but is it an anagram also?
crossed posts, danny (mine was for Mac44). Thanks
I know FF, and RED can be "not green" (traffic lights) but then "where does the e of "to reuse" disappear to ?
and mine has crossed also!
doesn't have to be an anag, you reuse trousers, otherwise not green.
I meant TO RE USE + RED would give an E too many (TROUSERED + E)
Got it now Mac- reuse = being green as in recycling
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Cheers all. Thanks for the rescue. I thought I was going to have serious brain ache for the rest of today.

I'm a member of the RNLI. It's great to have those who rescue others when all might be lost!
But what about the to?
"mostly" has now been inserted after "reuse" in the online version to correct the error and make the anagram work.
Thank you sedge.
later online editions have added the word 'mostly' which deals with the extra e in the anagam to reuse red

always the bridesmaid but i get there in the end :-)

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15D Dt.

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