He is on his way home now. It took him 8.5 hours to get to Ghent. 2 hour traffic jam, thensatnav took him through Strasbourg which he didn't want and was horrendous.
When he got to his prebooked hotel. There was no food available except pizza and sandwiches, on a Saturday night of all times.
The phone connection was abysmal. He rang me, I answered and got loud music playing. Can't explain it. He rang me 4 times and when I answered silence. I rang him umpteen times and got the usual message the person you want is unavailable. He had to walk down the street to get a better signal. To add insult to injury the internet connection is crappy too, he had taken dvd's with him but they won't play. When he booked he was assured BBC television was available, it isn't. Never mind he is home tomorrow night.