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Whatever Happened To The Tory Mp Who Represented...

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sandyRoe | 23:14 Tue 11th Sep 2018 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
..., I think, Luton and the tobacco industry?


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Does he need smoking out ?
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Not really, we knew where he was, in the pocket of the tobacco industry .
Skating on thin ice, there, sandy.
We know that Labour MPs will lobby for anyone @£5,000 a day.
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Name and shame, please.
The MP who comes to mind when you mention the tobacco industry is Ken Clarke. His constituency is Rushcliffe, near Nottingham. Born in 1940, he is currently Father of the House:
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A former Home Secretary. :-(
He must be of the mindset that uses, 'Do as I say, not as I do', as a rule of thumb.
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Our friend Google tells me it's John Carlisle. A non smoker himself, he promoted tobacco industry interests. I suppose that was his libertarian principles at work.

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