'Eggs will last longer in the fridge, provided you don't put them in the door. The cold does make them last, but constant changes in temperature can make them go off quicker. They should be kept nearer the back of the fridge, where the temperature is more constant.'
Egg Info is the website of the British Egg Information Service (which, in turn, is part of the British Egg Industry Council), so the information there is probably as close to 'official' as you can get:
There is only one answer and that is definatley do not put eggs in a fridge. they are porous and can pick up smells and contamination from other foods . YOU never see Eggs in shops or Supermarkets under refrigeration
Eggs will last longer in the fridge, provided you don't put them in the door. The cold does make them last, but constant changes in temperature can make them go off quicker. They should be kept nearer the back of the fridge, where the temperature is more constant. For cooking, its better to use room temperature eggs, so get them out in good time.
Once upon a time I had a larger and an airing cupboard
My landlord then had the brilliant idea of replacing my perfectly good boiler with a new one
That went where my larder used to be
So no larder and no airing cupboard
He could have asked if I thought it was a good idea
I find that it only matters when poaching, when room temperature is much better but they must be fresh. There may be other more arcane procedures beyond my remit where temperature is important, but as for how long they last it's probably anyone's guess. I don't keep them long enough to have to consider it, like bananas or tomatoes.