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Just A Quickie

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jennyjoan | 10:01 Mon 24th Sep 2018 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
Am about to leave a thank you acknowledgement. Roses, Quality Street or Celebrations. I don't like either any of them but what do you think


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The one which has one with , the purple wrapper , with the nut in the middle
leave me out of it Bazile !
I eat very little chocolate, give me a nice Jazz apple from Tescos any day.I have one most evenings.
The thought of Quality Street reminds me how I had to bring a box to my mother every weekend when I visited her in the care home.I put the box in her bedside drawyer first and then visited her in the day room whist she watched TV. "Have you brought my Quality Sweets?" was her welcome. "Yes Mum" I replied," in your bedside cabinet."
"Don't forget to put two out on top of the cabinet for when I go to bed"
" Yes Mum I have already done that."
In the hour I spent there with her she must of asked me about those two chocolates on her cabinet as many times as there are chocolates in the box. Always a scintillating visit to look forward to every week.
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Quality Street was bought - think the guy woulda liked a quickie too LOL.
fend em off with a stick JJ ;)
That's Quality Street Baz.

retro - I love that little tale about your Mum.
A bit late to tell you, but recently Tesco had them at 2 for £7, and may still have.

The containers get smaller every year though.
Roses? Never. Since Cadbury's sold out to Kraft their chocolate has gone from being the finest in the land to vile. I would only give them to someone I seriously disliked.

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