how do i gt rid of foxes in my garden we put a fence up round the trees but it keeps getin in and i want to get astroturf soon but i cant coz the foxes have ript my grass to streds i called the local council n the nspca bt they cnt do anything about it help plz
If you know where they are getting in you can get a product called renardine its available from agricultural shops or online you just soak rags in the stuff and place it around the area they are coming in, a sure fire way is to phone your local zoo, if you have one and get a sack full of lion dung and put a bit of it around your garden, works a treat
go to a hairdressers and ask for some old hair, seriously. Wrap the hair up into old tights and tie them off. hang them around your garden but no higher than about 3 feet. Foxes dislike human odours, and will only enter an enclosed space if there is no chance of a predator already being there. good luck
<sarcasm>I think AB policy was that foxes are nice, cute, almost-cuddly creatures and you shouldn't slander them nor persecute them. You'll have someone on shortly threatening you for hassling the poor things. You should be grateful to have them in your garden.</sarcasm>
Assemble a group of horses whose riders are wearing red jackets, blowing horns,sipping from hipflasks etc. Position said group in the affected area, lightly sprinkle with foxhounds and there you go, problem solved.