We have a neighbour a road away from us who is having real problems.
He lives on an ordinary road of houses. He has built a six bedroom home.he has also built down to 18foot down the following.
Full size bowling alley.
25foot tall 3 storey dolls house.
Very large soft play area.
Indoor tennis and badminton court.
Squash court.
Swimming pool
Can't remember the rest of it!
It measures 10,000 sq.ft.
He didn't have planning permission but thought he didn't need it due to a loop hole. Council have told him to demolish it or else.
He says he can't because you can't reach it as it is at the back of his house and would need to affect neighbours property. There is a big court case going on athe moment.
I actually went in it a year or so ago to pick up twin granddaughters from a party. I couldn't believe the size of it.
It's hard to imagine what goes on in the minds of these people isn't it.
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It's just tacky and horrible. I think people should be able to build what they like underground so there is no visible intrusion but that's just repulsive and very much an eyesore. //
Auctioneer selling me this property said I now own "cuius est solum eius est usque ad coleum et ad inferos neccesam" ......I thought that was its name - lol
Almost an hour passsed so here is translation .....“the rights of the surface owner extend upwards to the heavens and downward toward the center of the earth"