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England Has Been . . . . . .

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Canary42 | 22:06 Wed 26th Sep 2018 | History
15 Answers
. . . . Romanised, Vikingised, Normanised.

Just saying ;-)


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Ever since the Romans left there's been way too much Saxon violence.
Dare I add, on TV? :-)

What did the Romans ever do for us?
Well there was the Aquaduct...?
and Victimised
They gave us spelling, dahling. :-)
and Bugg***sed. :-(
And EUised. But not for much longer.
Plus, I think it's so that England, or more correctly the UK, has had control of a greater area of the globe than any of those. Sun never set, and all that. I'll let someone else look it up.
Yep Aqueduct was the way I was tort it.douglas.:-)
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Yes, but you guys down under export stuff that has Fosterized numerous people.
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>>>. . . . Romanised, Vikingised, Normanised.

All of which were invasions that we did not encourage or support.

Much of the more recent "invasions" have been at our encouragement and support (or due to a total lack of our various governments doing enough to stop it).

We now have areas of some cities that are almost 100% immigrant / non white, and many inner city school where there is not one "white British" child.

Some cities are approaching over 50% immigrant for the total city population (Birmingham, Leicester etc)

1ozzy, to be fair Australia has been well and truely Englandised, we dumped a lot of our undesirables on your (adopted) shores in the past
And of course the argument will soon appear that children of immigrants (as many of the inhabitants of the places you describe are) are not "immigrants". It doesn't go very well, though, if they continue to try to turn the areas where they live into versions of the places where their parents came from (only without the mosquitos).

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England Has Been . . . . . .

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