Saturday. 9°C outside. but Tiggy is out and about patrolling his territory. He's a tough wee lad.
The Farmer's Market in Stroud for me this morning. Go and see some friends on the way home. nothing planned after that.
Good downunder thanks.
Last lick of paint on today, until another room needs a start.
'twas a nice stew, curried but also creamy and didn't remind me this morning ;-/
A quick decorating tip for any one interested.
Been decorating dining room while Mrs Tony is in hospital. We have waxed pine skirting boards which have shrunk over the years and led to the mitres in the corners to "open". Couldn't be bothered to drive and get tinted filler, so went old school. Made a couple of tablespoonfuls of strong black coffee, and added a few drops at a time into some made up water based filler until desired colour was produced. You can do the same with coloured emulsion paint to make colour coordinated filler.
not at the moment, might and this depends on what the weather does, go around to our local food market, they have various stalls for you to choose from. There is a Polish guy who sells these lovely bratwurst type sausages, a meal in itself, so might avail myself so to speak.