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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:06 Thu 11th Oct 2018 | ChatterBank
106 Answers
Thursday. It's quite pleasent outside. I've been for a wee stroll along the lane, the view over the Severn Vale looks just as lovely at night as it does during the day. Various forms of wildlife out and about their lawful, or unlawful occasions, they's got used to me again and just carry on, unless they are up to no good. :o}
Nothing on the oracle for today, so mount ironing might get done. then again it might not!

Have a happy day everyone.


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Dawn is here, the rain clouds are coming up from you now DT.
Good morning everybody.
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Morning paddy.
Morning paddy, all fine with you?
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It's gone quiet, so I'm going to make a move.

Have a happy day everyone.
time to be moving here.....the joys of Truro in the rain await me....have a good one, all

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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