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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:17 Fri 12th Oct 2018 | ChatterBank
54 Answers
Friday. The weekend beckons. It's chucking it down in Gloucestershire. So I won't be out for long this morning.

I had a lovely surprise yesterday. A phone call from a lovely friend who married and moved away to Exeter about four years ago. We nattered for three hours! She and her hubby, also a friend, are going to come and have lunch with me when they can get up here. There's no saying when that will be mind!

Have a happy day everyone.


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A sad time for you jo. xxx
okay - carer coming in - got the ivory doctor this morning as to the tusks - actually it -isses me off to have to pay £22 to have my teeth counted - I'm perfectly capable of counting up to the hygienist as well....

Have a good one all
Question Author
Good luck DT. :o}
Morning to those that remain
Sorry for those I missed
Sitting here listening to wind and the rain
Wishing twould cease and desist
Did too much at the gym
My knees are quick to remind
Me I'm not 21
I think that nature's unkind
When young we for granted it took
We ran, danced, and walked without pain
But now I sit stuck on the couch
Listening to wind and the rain
Good morning all, its bright but breezy over here in the east of England. The forecast says strong winds are due, so I'll hang on to my hat today.
Morning all. Not raining here in Manchester yet but really windy.
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Morning poet rowan xxx, maydup xxx and clarion.

I lost the internet for a while, so if I disappear that's why.

Lashing down and blowing an 'ooligan here, I shall be out and back in very short order this morning.
It's very wild in Birmingham, I am seriously thinking it would be a sensible day to stay home. I don't need anything so sorting out my wardrobe and seeing what needs taking in might be a good way to spend some time.
I put a top on yesterday's hadn't worn for months and it was far too big.
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That's a good plan rowan. I've got to go out or I wouldn't bother either. I won't be out long though!
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At least the car is getting a much needed wash! :o}
Stay safe, there are branches coming off trees here and the gulls are flying backwards
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Nothing flying here. They've got more sense.
Tiggy didn't come out last night, his supper is still there.
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I'm going to make a move and get out and back a bit sharpish!

Have a happy day everyone, xxxxx

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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