This case is but a single example which demonstrates how this country is run today.
Many organisations especially, but not exclusively, those which are funded from the public purse and which do not benefit incomers, criminals or the work-shy (and some individuals in this country fall into all three of those categories) are run with disdain and disregard for their clients. Staff have �rules� which they apply with such rigidity and, in many case, just plain stupidity, that I often wonder how (if at all) they were generally educated and trained for the work that they do.
Two days ago there was a report in the press which showed a lorry which had become trapped after the road upon which it was travelling collapsed under it. A �Parking Attendant� promptly appeared on the scene and, instead of doing anything useful such as helping with the traffic chaos that obviously ensued, simply issued the vehicle (which was six feet from the kerb) with a parking ticket. The driver of the lorry was told he must appeal against the issue of the ticket �because of the rules�.
The case of this couple, though more serious, is similar in principle. Instead of applying the �rules� those responsible should have examined the circumstances (seeking the help and support of their managers if necessary) and arrived at a sensible decision.
But such behaviour is discouraged in today�s Britain. As a result of the policies of successive governments (not only the current one) individuals are no longer encouraged to think for themselves. It suits the authorities and employers to have, at their disposal, huge numbers of automatons who blindly do what they are told. Because they are unable to think clearly they are employed simply to operate rigid processes which have been designed with no room for exceptions. There is no provision for anybody to exercise their discretion, and the results are plain for all to see.