Daily Mail in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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Daily Mail

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casternad | 22:05 Wed 17th Oct 2018 | Crosswords
12 Answers
1a,Turn off in Leeds complex,close to court. 8l
5a,During Christmas,query old type of entertainment.6l ---q-s.
1d,Refuse teacher somewhere to sleep,heading north.6l. ----i-.
16d.Pen tale soldiers nicked. 3l. s-y.
many thanks
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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5 masque, in clue

16 sty -st(or)y
16 St(or)y
16 sty
debris. Returned bed and sir
Question Author
Thanks for those.I had masque but I have sternage for 8 down so masque wouldnt fit.So whats 8 down?
Antagonise sergeant whos been busted.8l.e---n-g-
Estrange (anag)
1a How does 'deselect' parse?
I can see 'desel' anag of Leeds but what about 'ect' ?
anag of leeds, (th)e, ct for court.
I think it should be 'the court'
How often posters post incomplete clues - frustrating!
very frustrating!

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