That would be something of a contradiction; being reknowned for doing something quietly...unless you're thinking of Smashie & Nicey: " a lot for charidee, mate - don't like to talk about it..."
Richard Branson went out of his way to do some incredibly kind things for a young terminally ill boy whose family I was aquainted with, and not a word of it reached the press. I find it hard to believe this was an isolated incident.
George whatshisname...the guy in the public toilet....apparently he does it a lot and doesnt like it broadcast too much. Richard n Judy mentioned it a few weeks ago.
Do you have a particular reaon for asking? I know a few organisations who made "anonymous" donations to the charity I work for and yes I know a very popular figure who gave us an enormous donation but swore us to secrecy so before i reveal his/her identity i need to know why you ask
just genuine curiosity and perhaps the "schmacher factor" - the racing driver doesn't have a likeable image but appears to give huge amounts to charity