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Crikey Is It This Bad For Women And Girls, Out There, Has It Always Been So Or Is This A New Phenomenon?

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anotheoldgit | 15:30 Tue 23rd Oct 2018 | ChatterBank
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I remember "'ere luv show us yer t**s " and other such cries of old London.
Maybe NYC was a bit tamer. ;-)
I remember walking down the road in Devon. I was wearing my best long tee shirt with the knotted side (a fashion statement in the 70s) and a middle aged builder on a roof shouted "Not bad, tits a bit small but not bad" I was 14. Also, being told at the bus stop by some lanky, ugly bloke who had been in the pub all afternoon "You are so beautiful, etc etc. This went on for about 15 minutes and not one of the adults at the bus stop intervened. I was 15. As I said, it's always gone on.

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Crikey Is It This Bad For Women And Girls, Out There, Has It Always Been So Or Is This A New Phenomenon?

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