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rugeleyboy | 23:18 Fri 28th Jul 2006 | Body & Soul
25 Answers
wheres bob's fawn cords gone?


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harry hamlin? was that it?
yes, he played the killer too in the movie where the real life murderer never wore clothes, was that ted bundy?
Hey dot,

In the film of Ted Bundy, Mark Harmon played the serial killer... at least 36 women died at his hands...they reckon there was probably more...

There has been a TV movie made about Bundy, but none as good as the original...
sorry dot, meant to add that the film you are referring to where the killer didn't wear clothes, was not about Bundy.
Don't know the (naked) film though...
The Deliberate Stranger it was, got it on IMDB, I mix those two up , Mark harmon was in St Elsehwere and Harry Hamlin was in LA Law. It was Ted Bundy the film was about though.
sorry RB for digressing.


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