No you're not strange, you're perfectly normal and as a gorwn up mother of 3 i still get this, my technique is to invest this ridiculous romantic energy into some one that is just a fantasy, currently a certian mr clooney (occasionally accompanied by mr pitt, will say no more). it's so normal that you'd be wierd if you didnt feel like this. the trick is not to base your relationships on it. there is just no saying what your feelings for this man will turn into, you've already noticed how these feelings go as easily as the come, it really is no basis for a relationship. this is a normal aspect of being a woman, enjoy it for what it is, exitement. actually being in love is a much calmer contented feeling than the breathless panicky stuff you're talking about. having said that, what you're feeling is very real and deserves respect, please don't think im dismissing it in any way. my advice is to enjoy your relationship with your dance teacher, i dont mean have sex, i dont mean tell him you're in love and equally i dont mean dismiss your feeling as being girlie and silly coz they're not, they're real adult feelings, just be patient and see what happens. these feelings are what they are and no more, they're not premonitions of the future, they're not an illness, they're not a blessing, they're not love, they're not hate, they simply are what they are. and as for the "what if's", well you'll have those whether you have a romantic relationship with him or not, they're just human. dont rush into this because you might regret not doing it, you're equally as likely to regret ever giving him time of day let alone intimacy. patience (can't believe im asking a teenager to be patient) patience patience with him, and find a girlie friend to laugh about this with. (my funny "people i fancied for a while" stories are unprintable otherwise i'd be that girlie friend for you), keep us updated and good luck :-)