This white man with white parents self-identifies as black and gets given money that only non-white people have access to. Or in other words, this white man has taken money that should have gone to a non-white person.
It is, of course an absurdity, and entirely wrong that only non-white people are allowed this money (albeit the Equality Act allows this discrimination - The Equality Act, just about the most misnamed piece of legislation I can think of), but the fact is a white man has taken money reserved for non-white people.
"When I'm alone in my bedroom looking in the mirror, thinking about stuff I've written down, thinking about my past relationship-wise, pictures on the wall, I think I'm a black man". What he is is an idiot.
This self-identifying nonsense is getting ridiculous.
As far as modern art is concerned - I'm definitely in the Emperor's New Clothes camp. There was a shows in the early 90s called Game for a Laugh, and I can remember one episode where they laid large canvases on the floor and let a load of kids go mad with paint - the results were then displayed in a gallery and the great and the good were invited. I seem to recall the event was made out to be the work of a new artist. They filmed the people attending the event and the comments they were making were hilarious - their pomposity knew no bounds. This perfectly encapsulated the idiocy of the people who are in the know!
"Installation" If there's a more pretentious word to describe any old cack passing itself of as art, I have yet to hear it.