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nelios1 | 11:51 Sat 10th Nov 2018 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers
answers begin with same letter
He tickles the ivories-5,6
I thought of piano player but that could be he or she and I think I need a name.


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piano player
As mallyh says, Piano Player looks good, but if you think that you need a name Glenn Gibson is an Electric organ player.
Andre Previn or Floyd Kramer or even Scott Joplin - to name but three!
Have I misunderstood, all answers start with same letter.
Aah . . . if the name of the Piano Player needs to be same letter for given and family name . . . then try . . Beryl Booker (Jazz ) :-)
I went with Piano player.
I would go with Piano Player
Yes . . . Piano Player looks to me to be most appropriate if a generic answer is required. There are a couple of other indiviudals namely:- Danny Driver and Louis Lortie.
sorry . . . individuals . . .

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