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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:05 Wed 21st Nov 2018 | ChatterBank
98 Answers
Wednesday already. Doesn't time fly!

It's been raining overnight. It's on the nippy side too, not enough for ice, so that's something.

Just the usual running around today. Then I really must tidy my desk, I can't see the surface. That'll take a while!

Already zapped a spammer! :o}

Have a happy day everyone.


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Morning minty xxx All well this morning? ;o}
morning minty, have you been enjoying yourself, spookfest crikey that sounds scary.
Tired...spooky place East in around 6am so had an hour...heading home today in the pouring rain...they don't half talk funny here ! Lol
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emmie, minty loves going spook hunting!
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minty I said you'd need an interpreter.
Internet very ropey here so may disappear
so it would seem, sounds like a good time was had by all, cant say i am that interested in the spirit world if there is such a thing. But if you believe then so be it,
i love the Yorkshire accent, and thought the people friendly and kind.
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That's the spooks getting their own back minty.
Went into Pontefract yesterday to buy their cakes.....none to be had..most disappointing
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There is a spirit world right enough emmie.
Lovely people !!
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How strange minty!
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I'm going to need cold weather gear when I go out this morning.
its cold up here, so must be colder where you are boaty, as i popped out yesterday to have my hair done, i thought winter has arrived, it was so cold.
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Add to it that I'm 280 feet up in the air too. But I'm used to it.
Going to run roon shower...speak later when home..xx
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Take care minty, it's chilly oot!
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Time to make a move.

Have a happy day everyone.

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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