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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:39 Thu 22nd Nov 2018 | ChatterBank
70 Answers
Thursday. There is a big, bright full moon shining brightly, there is no wind blowing, but it's a cold morning. Should be a nice day though! Just the usual running around this morning and an appointment with my gorgeous GP this afternoon. I'm happy with that!

Have a happy day everyone.


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spam in animals and nature
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Lots of spammers this morning emmie.
so there are, good thing you are about at this time of day..
spam in arts
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carer pulling in so coffee time - have a good one, all.....
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Have a good'un DT.
bye DT xx go get laundry started..see you later xx
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Have a happy day minty xxxxx

I'm going to shove off too, Got to deice the car.

Have a happy day everyone.
It was the bone that made him sick Boaty. What they can't digest, if you are lucky, gets safely sicked up before it leaves the stomach. If you are unlucky, it passes into the bowel and sticks; if you are very unlucky, it punctures the bowel. Either way its an emergency vet visit and big bill.

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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