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Condition Of Being Sick

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mcarthr72 | 21:42 Sun 25th Nov 2018 | Crosswords
15 Answers
Crossword 03/11/2018 35 accross
? U? N? A?
Condition of being sick


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Sure of those letters?
All I can think of too.
Are you sure petland? Do you have a definition to fit?
If that's correct , then the clue is severely lacking.
Aye captain An intermittent fever that occurs every five days
What is the clue?

I think we are all fumbling in the dark (rhetorically)
It refers to one particular type of fever and how it develops, the clue would need to be more technical surely.
Condition of being sick

Isn't that the clue?
Yes - but I thought there might be more
If there is no more then the setter needs their cards, if that answer is correct.

It would be good if mcarthr72 could tell us if that was the complete clue or not.
Is it perhaps not a cryptic clue?

But, if so the solution is a bit obscure :-(

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Condition Of Being Sick

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