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Thatcher Or Moore For £50

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Canary42 | 17:05 Mon 26th Nov 2018 | ChatterBank
58 Answers
Margaret Thatcher is on the list of Scientists from which the image on the £50 note will be chosen.

And so is Patrick Moore.

Which one would you choose from just these two* ?

And why ?

* Note: Others are available, several hundred of them, but just for fun, this thread is for the above two only please.

To be on the list, the individual must be real, deceased and have contributed to the field of science in the UK.


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Thatcher pioneered soft ice cream (whereby buyers get less ice cream for the same money); Ada Lovelace pioneered computers.

Better be Moore, then.
"she should have been lynched for what she and her ilk did to our miners. " - Labour closed more pits than TGL.
jackdaw, ATMs do dispense them, if you're very unlucky. Not a lot you can do with them.
£50 are very useful if you’re withdrawing large wads of cash out of the bank.
they do come in useful for my pharmaceuticals business, yes. My clientele would never dream of sniffing anything through a mere fiver.
Patrick Moore for me.
I think Patrick Moore would be a more fitting choice too.
Definitely Patrick Moore for me.
It wasn't just the mines/miners that Thatcher closed. She allowed her husbands cronies to get rich by acquiring the most valuable assets of British industry in get rich quick schemes. This was a deliberate act of vindictiveness and tyranny against her own citizens. She deliberately inflicted hardship on people. As well as that, we still have the rebound of the laws that she introduced so that people could more easily access loans, credit and debt. Anyone running an African country like that would have been subject to a bloody coup. She was a traitor. I say again, she should have been publicly hanged in Parliament Square.
I believe Alan Turing is the most deserving, far more so than Moore and I'll be disappointed if it's anyone but.
that's all wrong 10cs, you have been spoon fed propaganda. It's pointless me trying to correct you and point out the many good things she did, you have clearly been brainwashed. You are just blinded by nastiness, no one sensible can reason with that level of vitriol. If I knew you and your life and family I'd come up with many things you and yours would be grateful to TGL for but your outright phobic hatred prevents any rational discussion.
I can't believe Alexander Graham Bell has never been on a note. Patrick Moore isn't what I would regard as a great scientist.

As for Lady Thatcher, lets save her for the next time we do a £ 10. The way she still irks the idiots, snowflakes and morons of the nation is reason enough to give her this accolade.
spungle, yes TGL exposed their flawed ideology and stopped their union mates from trashing the country. The snowflakes have all been brainwashed by lefty teachers who hated her because she fixed things. The medicine was harsh but the patient needed it.
anyway, Bell was on a Scottish Poond:
"Patrick Moore isn't what I would regard as a great scientist. " - canary was just asking us out of the two who we preferred, Moore won't be the winner that will be Turing or Hawking most likely. This question is just a vehicle for Canary to get another another TGL vitriol fest going with his Trot buddies.
Thanks TTT, glad that Bell HAS been on a note after all! In that case, I'd go for Fleming, but not sure if he's been on a note already?

Would be great to have Lady Thatcher on the next fiver or tenner!
TGL will be on the next fiver, there is no one more worthy to follow TGM.
The haters on here simply expose their own moral impotence.

"You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life." - Winston Churchill
Tora, I haven't been spoon fed anything. I was unfortunate enough to experience Thatchers' tyranny and treason. I was there. Unemployed because she deliberately targeted millions of people. Large parts of the North of England still remember the hardship that Thatcher purposely brought on them, whilst her husband and his cronies made millions out of asset stripping the industry of this country. Thatcher was an out and out traitor who did more harm to this country than Adolf Hitler. I say again, she should have been publicly hanged in Parliament Square. A traitor.

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