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When Did Cantabria Move???

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kamitoot | 10:24 Mon 03rd Dec 2018 | Crosswords
5 Answers
20 ac "Switching train and cab, an Italian"; answer seems to be cantabrian , anagram of train cab an, but that is Spanish not Italian. Any explanation?


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Just checked the on line version clue is Switching train and cab an inhabitant of Spain(10)
10:36 Mon 03rd Dec 2018
I presume the compiler was thinking about Calabrian, and made a human error that was not picked up!
Brancati ( Italian novelist) anagram of train & cab . Just a suggestion.
Apparently later online versions of that crossword were amended to Spanish,
Just checked the on line version clue is Switching train and cab an inhabitant of Spain(10)
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Oh well,a human error which one has to forgive. Interesting to conjecture as to how many people who solved the puzzle when the clue was in error knew there was something odd about it.

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When Did Cantabria Move???

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