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Manual Food Chopper

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bainbrig | 08:11 Wed 05th Dec 2018 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
I want a simple easy-to-clean manual food chopper, mainly for small quantities ofonions, garlic, ginger, and chillies.

Any recommendations? I like the look of the sort you press down with your hand.




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i remember for 3 reasons
1) i have a good memory
2) it prompted me to buy the potato peeler which lead to much harmony in the bednobs household
3) you used your customary style of address and were rather rude to me on the thread :)
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Well, even more respect in that you have overlooked my rudeness (was I really?) and been kind enough to answer.
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Really confused now bednobs. I’ve only asked 250-ish questions since joining in 2017, so I’ve been back over all of them and can find no mention of potatoes!

Fresh peeled spuds certainly WAS an interestof mine - do you happen to remember if this was someone else’s question?

I mainly want to know so I can see this rudeness, in case there’s been some misunderstanding, which I would hate to have happened.

Although we are not supposed to mention it it was in your previous incarnation :) I like your posts a lot so your "rudeness" (I prefer to call it personality) is easy to overlook
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You ARE GCHQ, bednobs. My previous incarnation, which I held on to for donkeys, I thought had died a death when a) the Answerbankenfuhrer banned me for 3 months, and b) when I stopped using it.


Just when you thought it was safe to get back into the water...

(PS Thanks for the clarification/honesty. I shall reappear as the old name and have a search, as I still can't think how a thread about peeled potatoes ended with me being rude, or even having a 'personality').

BillB at least for now.
Just looked on ebay at the Zyliss choppers, they've come on a bit, ours in the 70s you pressed down with the palm of your hand and the blades did the job.
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Thanks zebo, I'll have a look at them.

(Bednobs: like Trotsky from those old photos, I've been expunged. Can't use old name to log in, googling name+answerbank gives some hits, but when I get to them on AB, it's 'a... removed'. So it seems I'll never know. I apologise (in arrears) for any offensive remarks, which will now go to the grave with us both).

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