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Another Parrot

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marval | 16:31 Mon 17th Dec 2018 | Jokes
5 Answers
The police dispatcher picks up the phone and writes down the call for help.

"Please send someone urgently, a cat has broken in!"

The police dispatcher responded, "Sir, I don't think I heard you correctly? A cat at your home?"

"A cat! He has invaded my house and is walking towards me! Again the police dispatcher tried to correct him "But how so? You mean a thief?"

"No! I'm talking about a freaking cat, the one that goes 'meow, meow', and it's coming my way, you have to come now!"

"So what about this cat coming toward you?" the officer replies trying to grasp the situation.

"He's going to kill me, now he's going mental! And you will be the reason I die."

"Who is talking?" the officer asks.

The parrot replies, "You, you idiot."


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2 parrots standing on a perch one says " cor i cant half smell fish"!
I'm sorry, Marval but I just don't get the punchline.

The parrot is talking as well...?
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Sorry Tilly, the parrot is the one who makes the call to the police. I must try to make my next one funnier.
-- answer removed --
Now, I do get that one, Oz. :-)

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Another Parrot

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