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As It's Almost Christmas.

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Tilly2 | 18:46 Mon 17th Dec 2018 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
I am posting this because I think it is absolutely fantastic. The skill of those people who put this together is exceptional.


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Next time stab it with ur brolly or something and call him out on it.
(Im a fella so don't have that luxury)...
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Can't fellas buy brollies?
They can Tills but I aint that feminime.
Rather just pull my hood up....
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Macho man, eh? :-)
LOL Tills, yeah that's me,,,
lovely tilly. Thanks for posting .
Looks a bit grainy to me...
There's no pleasing some people ...............!
They should have built it on the strand...
tat's a much better baby Jesus than the ones those useless Renaissance artists used to paint. You'd think they'd never seen a real live baby.
How apt for the Vatican, a church built on sand.
You're quite bitter aren't you, don't spoil Tilly's thread.
No Mamya - not bitter at all. I just call out the hypocrisy of it all. Just another gimmick of fake religiosity.
But artistic? Yes, genius level.
Well perhaps given the premise of the thread sticking to the artfulness would have been fairer.

Have your religious spats elsewhere maybe.

Goodnight God bless.x
Point taken Mamya. Cheers.
-- answer removed --
That is lovely, thank you for sharing Tilly.

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