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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:48 Wed 19th Dec 2018 | ChatterBank
68 Answers
Wednesday. I had an excellent Christmas lunch yesterday. I was reminded about it by friends I had promised to take there, just as well, I'd forgotten! I won three bottles of wine in the raffle.

I haven't looked outside yet, so no idea what's going on.out there. I'll find out eventually.

What today holds I have no idea.

Have a happy day everyone.


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You'll be happy if it's as good as the one I had yesterday.
Invariably it does, boaty!
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Just had my first 'disaster' of the day...I was writing a card, my last one and one of those 'I've forgotten to send' ones, a client of mine who is a very nice guy, and I was half way through writing it and needed more ink - managed to splatter the card by dropping my fountain pen....duh.
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Sounds like the sort of thing that happens to me DT!
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Time to make a move.

Have a happy day everyone.
Well.. hi and bye Mr WBM.. hope you have a good one :-)
DTC, I've just remembered reading of your mishap what I wanted to put on my Secret Santa wish list, a fountain pen, I would love a really good fountain pen that takes 'proper' ink. There's a book shop in Diss sells beautiful pens, some would need a mortgage.

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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