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what's with the google logo today?

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sara3 | 07:14 Tue 07th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
there's usually a good reason for something like this!

I just wanted to take over the Latest Posts, really ;o)


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Mine's just normal - plain and boring... so whaddya mean girl?
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is it? you'd like mine.. a load of balls!
Is it an anniversary of the painter, Seurat?
Mines just ordinary too. Perhaps its this work computer. Doesnt allow exciting things to happen
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no, Wiki says he's 2nd December.. but I like your thinking!
Is it suggesting we should all get our eyes tested? Particularly for colour blindness?
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See, i was right, it is a subliminal thinggy for eye tests.
I've got loadsa multi coloured balls ;)
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sandy.. are you suggesting that those who can't see it have sight defects?

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no Butch, you have cataracts.
There are none so blind as those who will not see
I didn't check for today but seriously, I just loved the Google logo on occasion of Meteors shower night.

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what's with the google logo today?

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