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Pudcat | 17:48 Sat 29th Dec 2018 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Can you have have a o.b.e or similar after your name even if you havent been awarded one. Can you be prosecuted for it.??


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Depends if you use it fraudulently.
17:49 Sat 29th Dec 2018
Yes, if you use it for fraudulent purposes.
Depends if you use it fraudulently.
It would need to stand for Obvious Blerdy Eejit as it is so easy for anyone to check.
You struggling to get a good table in the restaurant tonight Pud?
Seems a rather silly thing to do...the letters after the name, not trying to get the good table. Not that the letters would make a difference...;)
I find "Do you know who I am?" works best - at least it confuses them a while.
My OH has an O.B.E......which usually appears on letters and official documents as Obe.
There was a Mr Earl who received an OBE, apparently some of his letters were addressed to Mr Ear lobe.
they are called post-nominals
and yes as you can imagine there are rules about them

no overlap - you cant invent an Order of Blinkey Ermine

I am not sure if it is a crime per se
VC and MC I think there is ( military orders)

clearly using it to raise credit is a crime of Fraud

pretending you are a doctor when you're not is agaisnt the law and the GMC takes an interest I am not sure how they enforce it

any employer will claim its money back in an action for fraud as you can only get a doctors whack if you ARE a doctor

see here ( military awards )

I cant really bring myself to read it
this is all I can find

There WAS a case where a non colonel MC landed up in court and limply said MC stood for Master Comptroller.
Cant remember what happened

Oh hey yeah
when MC was invented around 1915
The letters ( or - - - post nominals) MC were already in use for Master of Surgery ( or Chirurgery ) at Cambridge
So they wrote to all the old buggas and asked them to change in er 1916.
and all the old buggas trooped up to senate house and voted..... no ! so they kept MC
The last cambridge master of surgery MC died aged 115 and 1/2 a few years ago.....

( so it was changed to M Chir and the MC was then used)
well that was a bit funny for 1916 innit ?

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