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If I Asked A Question For A Site Which Monitored Auctions . . . .

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Canary42 | 10:40 Fri 04th Jan 2019 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
. . . . and a response gave me the site which briefly appeared in another question just now which was hastily removed (presumably as spam), would the response be removed also ?



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Forget it - I see that both that person's questions have been removed now. They seemed genuine to me, but mods know better.
I'm not clear what you are asking but I felt the two posts were artificial questions asked with the intetion of posting a link to the same auction site.
I'm not a mod but I felt the first was spam as there was no reason to add the klink a sthe query had been answered so I flagge dit a spotential spam. The follow up question with the same link made it look even more like spam to me. Maybe the ED/mods knew more to confirm it- eg if the poster has posted similar spam elsewhere
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What I'm asking is when is such a reference spam or not spam - lots of people post Amazon references, but that's not regarded as spam for Amazon.

Ditto Daily Mail, Google, BBC, etc etc.
Canary, I think the difference is that AB posters do not have a vested interest in those sites.
I'm not sure, but if someone gets banned, doesn't all their contributions go ?
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I take your point Danny, it was a "new" poster so the mods were probably right.

So let's close this thread now.

Thanks for responses.

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