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Rockrose | 12:39 Mon 31st Dec 2018 | ChatterBank
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My darling tattinger at the vets and I’m not sure if she will be coming home.
My heart is in my mouth every time the phone rings.


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Lovely post :)
12:32 Sat 05th Jan 2019
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Bless her little cotton socks ♥
Oh dear, very sorry looking pussy cat. Hope she recovers quickly. I love cats, we have two rescue ones.
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I have just cleaned her up a bit but she hates me picking her up so it’s going to be a fraught couple of days
Best wishes for a speedy recovery for the poorly puss. x
I am pleased that she is back home with you. Here's hoping for a quick recovery.
am glad it's not the worst outcome. Poor puss.
You never know, these few days might just make her like being picked up !
Hope she gets back to full health soon xx
(and you too xx)
Thank heavens, after Merlin and Murphy it would have been too sad. Hope she is soon on the mend.
awwww..the wee baby..bless..lots of TLC now.....
I'm glad that she is fixable but that looks awful - if she is anything like Merlin (little miss stroppy) she will be a difficult patient. Merlin was long-haired - maybe they were related. ☺
Puss - pus = Healthy cat

[OK, I'll get my coat]
Oh dear poor you and your pet....awful thing to wit on and go through. Hope the best conclusion is there whichever way it thoughts are with you.
Cats have the most incredible capacity to recover surprisingly quickly from illnesses like this.
Have you to give her antibiotic tablets or has she had them by injection?
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She has had an injections today but has to have tablets and medicine from tomorrow which I am not looking forward to trying to give her.
She is ok and loving as long as I don’t try to brush or comb her or cut out her tats
Hope it goes well for you and for Tattinger
Phew thanks goodness she's OK I can relax now. Felt like it was one of my own;-)
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I am pleased to tell you all that tatty has made a remarkable recovery and has even managed to put a little weight on helped no doubt by the expensive food that she is currently guilting me into buying!
Thanks for all your kind thoughts and wishes.
Lovely post :)
So pleased she's better RR :) x

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