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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:19 Sun 06th Jan 2019 | ChatterBank
100 Answers
Sunday. Quite mild outside this morning at 7.6°C. Wall to wall cloud, so no stars out to play.

Just the usual running around this morning, ironing hill to be climbed. What fun I have!

Have a happy day everyone.


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I need to know how to encourage them.
My singing didn't work!
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I'm going to have to make a move now.

I'll let you know if I get a resident in Tiggy Towers.

Have a happy day everyone.
bye boaty xx
good morning all
Bless you Boaty.
Thanks again for another good start to the day.

Boaty went outside to retrieve the BBQ washing one night;
It was dark, apart from a glimmer of moonlight.
Suddenly, he was aware of a very strange sound.
Feeling rather worried, he began to look around.

To my surprise, I saw a hedgehog there;
Busy searching for his food, without a care.
Gone were former feelings of anxiety and fright;
They were swiftly replaced with joy and sheer delight.

He stood and watched the Tiggy in total awe,
As he’d never been that close to a live hedgehog before.
He had absolutely no idea that these creatures roamed,
Unseen by him, each night, so very close to home.

Of his presence, Boaty wasn't sure that Tiggy was aware,
But his close proximity, he seemed happy to bear.
To us oomans, they're extremely welcome guests,
As, hedgehogs are known to eat garden pests.

Boaty stood in the garden, a bottle of xxx in hand,
Watching Tiggy there, snuffling away.
He stood there watching for quite a while;
On his excited face, he wore a joyous smile.

From the Tigs, Boaty struggled to tear his excited eyes away,
And he really hoped that the hegdie would return the next day.
He visited him for many a month, then disappeared,
But, the memory of Tiggy's visits, to him, is still dear.
right to action, garbage, fuel and papers, down to the Inn for a coffee and back on in 30 mins if anyone still here....bye for the moment.
morning emmie xx

very good DT ..see you in a bit xx
morning Minty
did your new furniture arrive emmie ?
Minty, no they cancelled a week before delivery,
citing that the items were out of stock, can you believe that. I was pretty annoyed to say the least. Apparently they aren't due till end of this month, so will have to go the whole rigmarole once again, talk about stressful.
not good is it ? will they take old away ?
i had arranged for the old furniture to be collected by the British Heart Foundation, but had to cancel that as otherwise would have had nothing to sit on for weeks.
So will have to ask them again if they want the old sofa and chair nearer the time of the new delivery, it might mean holding on to the old lot until the new furniture is properly delivered. Which could mean have two sofa's and two chairs in the living room. which will be a blessed nuisance.
morning emmie - smaller but similar here - waiting a month for a head-board to turn up for the new bed and that had been lost in the order......
its a pain Dtc that is for sure.
I just received a parcel yesterday that had been sent from Durham 15th December !
time to get on...see you later xx
have a good one, minty xx, and I should be signing off - a good one all too.....

'morning all, just topping the posts up to 100, seems a shame to miss it by 1.
Cold ,dull day here, gonna give the hounds a run shortly after coffee has been taken, then off to visit Mrs B in Hospital, again.
Have a good day all.

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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