....... Kate came home mid afternoon yesterday, 04:00ish today we had an Ambulance out as she fell going to the Loo and we couldn't get her up, dodgy knees, had she woken me up I would have escorted her and it wouldn't have happened.
14:00 another fall, no escort, she didn't ask again, just went for it, resulting in readmission, the PMs said she should never have been sent home as she was which is what we suspected in the first place.
The only positive was that her bag was still packed with all her goodies from coming home yesterday.
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//I'm pushing for Kings or Kings College but can't do a lot over a weekend. Would mean a lot more travelling but so what?//
The offer still stands that I made a few weeks ago. If it helps to alleviate the travel times to Kings you can doss down with us. We re a 10 minute bus ride to Morden Underground (Northern Line).
Can put up a bivvie for you for however long requireed. :-)
Retro @ 22:22, thank you once again my friend for a most generous offer, slight change in plan. A Neurologist spent quite a while with us this afternoon and explained a lot. If the bleed on the brain was due to burst pipes (his words) it would need an Op. to fix the plumbing. As this was due to impact injury it is most likely the chemicals in the brain will dissolve the clot BUT it will take time.
They are moving her to a local unit 4 or so miles from home, better than the 17+ now, where she is going to get Physio and work on her balance, and the clot is being monitored carefully. Move should take place tomorrow with luck, then we will see what happens.
A well aimed and firey rocket seems to have got a result of sorts.
Prior to the initial injury was she in good mental and physical health - this is definitely the cause of the problem?
If so then things can only get better. You will be able to take the dogs to see her if she is so close to home - that would cheer anyone up, they will be excited to see her.
I wish all of you well - sometimes dealing with doctors and other medics is soul destroying. They don't always listen to patients and family and they should and they should talk to us and explain things.
Yes very good mental and physical health, had not long retired from the best part of 40 years as a Midwifery Sister and was enjoying life. up and down to Norwich on a regular basis, now she is not allowed to drive at the moment.
Tash and myself sat with Kate this afternoon, already had a long chat with the Neuroloogist, transfer had been arranged etc, in comes the whizzkid from the Discharge Dept, "Hello Mrs B. I sure these two nice people will do your packing for you while you get dressed, we've decided it's ok for you to go home" She almost got a lesson in Anglo Saxon, but because it was a she Dave held back and calmly told her who to speak to to be brought up to date, we didn't see her again.
I can believe it. About two weeks after major cardio surgery last May I attended the cardio dept at local hospital whichnreferred me to St Georges for the operation. Thought it was a follow up appt as had not been seen or contacted by any one since discharge.
The greeting was,”Please take a seat.What can we do for you?” The consultant had no clue his boss had sent me to St Georges fornthe op and the mountain of my notes had not been updated to that effect. I had to scan and e-mail my discharge notes to him when I got home. Grrr