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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:59 Tue 22nd Jan 2019 | ChatterBank
90 Answers
Tuesday.The sky is clear and the stars are shining. I went for a wee stroll along the lane, no frost! Didn't see any wild life.
Nothing to do today, so I'll go and visit some friends.

Have a happy day everyone.


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Morning togo. Sounds like a good plan to me!
One of Muslim colleagues started every morning with a bacon butty.... She like me was of the opinion religious dietary rules came out of a time and climate when food in those groups was not safe to eat. Her words. " it's a load of Arab crap, "
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Spot on rowan!
Reading all the posts about a bacon butty means that I am having a bacon and egg toasted muffin for breakfast. The birds can have the Granola.
morning Togo xx
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Good plan togo! :o}

Time for me to make a move. Got some scraping to do!

Have a happy day everyone.
bye boaty xx
Thought it was wet outside but from the way cars are moving it's probably black ice. Better earn the old folk to be careful
It is like a skating ring up here Rowan. Deadly out. No gritting done as it was raining last night then froze hard early morning. I was out de-icing the car for " She who must be obeyed" before she set of for work at 7.15 and have made her promise to come home if the snow starts, as looks likely, around noon.
gritters were out yesterday afternoon here..but we live at the top of a long steep hill and usually end up leaving car at bottom and hiking up...

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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