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Help' I See This A Scam?

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Caran | 11:13 Sun 27th Jan 2019 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
I've had an email from the Apple ap store, saying this is your receipt for an order that looks like gaming stuff. It's for $49 98.
I haven't ordered anything.
What should I do please?


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Question Author
I typed is this a scam!
Has any money gone from your account?
Question Author
Not from my current account but we have a Tesco card and am not sure how to look at that account.
I would ring Tesco customer services and ask them to check your account.What was the e-mail address of Apple?
Second thought. When you use your Tesco card any transactions should be shown on your bank account.
I get these, about once a year. They're scams, not from Apple - if you hover your mouse over the address/sender, I bet it'll be something non-Apple!
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Caran, just keep your eye on your bank account and ignore the e-mail.
Caran, I Googled that and a whole lot of stuff came up, saying that spammers were using that and very similar addresses.
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Thank you dannyk13 and everyone else.

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Help' I See This A Scam?

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