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Head Porter for MOFC?

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boxtops | 16:34 Sat 04th Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Mamya, I think you have found a candidate...... LOL


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Apparently, boxy, mamya's favourite flowers are freesisas ;o)
she quite likes freesias too
Whats MOFC?
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Tigger - Mad Over Fifties Club - in Q&P (weather permitting) at 8pm tonight..... you are welcome if you are mad, or over fifty. Either will do.
Tigger Mad over fifties club.
Mad Over Fifties Club tigger - I can't wait to join. Meets 8 pm Saturdays in Q & P
Oh yes!

Well I'm 39 so I'd be a tad out of place. I am quite mad though.
Well Sqad has not yet graced us with his presence but if the doorman can't make it a head? porter will do fine.
Forget the turned me down for a heavy chance only with sqad ;-)
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Sqad - but you would have a bevy of beauties hosting you, plying you with tailcocks, mamya's exquisite bon-bouches - we could even show you the crocodile. It would not cost you an awful lot to join the housekeeping team, ladyalex might even let you buttle if we asked her nicely.
There - please don't say "mad as a box of frogs" - it's an entry criterion!

(and PS, I was only a week late doing Manchester, could have been worse!)
is there an upper limit to the MOFC? that could rule you out anyway sqad :p
Oh dear mw, you have never gotten over that hun have you, sorry ♥

Tiggs all rules are made for breaking.
Oh dear me ^^
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No ethandron, there are several people of indeterminate age up in the tower ballroom.
ah yes, but are they still breathing??
sqad please don't be harsh or hurtful to these lovely ladies - we all make mistakes. Even I made one, once.
lovely to see you again boxtops. Will look out for MOFC in futute but I aint good in the witty responses field, sorry

Boxtops post ^^^^ is dated Dec 2010

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Head Porter for MOFC?

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