no - yeah
come on you have had a good go at this
and i think you have reached the end ....
"I dont have money like Cliff Richard but can I achieve what he did without any moolah? [ with only a begging bowl and a lovely small furry dog with goo-goo pleading eyes.]" No you cant - -
NJ has already told you that frightenly bright lawyers over see CPS decisions. I rehearsed the two stage process
you would have to show negligence in papers you dont have access to and probably malice. And no - please dont ask how you get access to papers you arent entitled to see .....
complete non starter
fill out your forms for your next job and get on with your life !
the answer to your list of very hard questions is
yes - yes - probably - he is lucky they didnt shoot him....
when you have given up and taken up knitting or something
try reading this
who was the subject of PERJURY by the australian federal attorney general
muc h much worse than you - and he gets as compensation a bag of sherbet dabs and a grudging apology from Mrs Mopp the office cleaner of the minister concerned